Tuesday, January 25, 2011

at cross roads

A short,chubby kid, flushed with pink cheeks almost like a little girl's. He's not like many. In fact, he's always had a maturity that was not really what most people would aspect of him.[Well,that's another story.]
This year, he's turning 18.
One afternoon, he was lying on his bed, thinking that as soon as he step out of the house, he know it'll never be the same again. It never occured to him that this day would come when all this while, this day seems to take forever.
And then it hit him that he was going to have to make a decision that would somehow shape his whole future ahead of him.
Though, he always tell himself,"it's all about the risk."
But at this point, he is not even sure anymore if the risk he is about to take is going to be worth it. Too much- this is too much for him, he thought to himself again and again.
See, Gary has always been afraid to stand up for himself or even to speak to anyone for that matter. In short, he was a shy boy. Now, all that is going to have to change for Gary since turning 18 would mean turning into an adult. He would have to leave home and he knows that he is going further and even further away when the time comes.
His friends? Well, he don't have much to keep in touch with. Mostly, aquaintances you would say. He realizes, he's alone now. He has always been but the fact that worldly things kept taking charge of him, he never did. Hence, he should be able to handle this, he thought again. He should have gotten used to being alone a long time ago. One thing led to another and his thinking became more like confusions and deeper longing of wanting to know what's next.
Still in his mind, he got up and went to sit near the window, looking up into the sky from the balcony. He closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh scent of his mother's freshly planted flowers outside in the garden. This moment- is a moment that he'll never give back. He tilted his head to the side and looked back up. If he could have one chance of being able to see the future, he know he wouldn't because he wanted to keep that as a surprise, whether or not it's bad or good. IT IS going to be worth the risk, indeed. Then, he smiled.

So, what's next for me? I'll have to find out own my own.
As been said, A man determines his own battle
. I have mine.