Friday, July 9, 2010

okay, it has been a while since I updated my blog, isnt it? and it has been a while that I update my blog with pictures, right? SO..... i'm just gonna 're-wind' the past few weeks and probably just mention one or two things that i'm going to be busy within weeks to come.

Some kid in the village. I took this cause this looks kinda authentic, no? =D
granny enjoy playing the gong ;)
Some ritual thingy by the elders of the kampong
nana after the whole trip...Personally, I love this picture. She looked so happy with all the people visiting her house.

I just LOVE taking photos with my brotha!
rice in bamboo sticks,which are best known as 'lemang'During the gawai, my mum did not really celebrated it though but we did went visiting and all.. goshh THE FOOD! Unfortunately, i did not take photos of it. Know why? Cause i was tooo busy enjoying it..
Gosh...Lately, i hate the connection problem.. It has affect me, both physically and mentally. Then again, OH WELL :D

Due to connection problem, I'll re-post those other pictures in here again. [Goshh i need help using dslr and knowing the certain 'techniques'. I was told there are certain angle that needs to be this and that way to get the picture perfect moments.]
Like this? >>>

Somehow, I wish those pictures that I took can move like those in the 'Harry Potter' movies.
Would'nt it be cool, right?

Oh oh! Did I mention? I FELL at school that day. So embarassing! aikss >.<>
Ever since school started after the 3 weeks holiday, my schedule has been, practically packed. Assignments here and there. BUT thank GOD, it's all over now.... whats' left? SIVIKS! gotta do some 'pameran' thing about traditional food. crappy right? i know... =.= Can't wait to get it over with. Lately, not to flatter myself or anything but I have the sudden urge to study, as in doing revision til late at night even. Yes, that doesn't sound like me at all. However, as people say, 'To do something for the better of your life, you ought to sacrifice.'

Halfway round the world, that won't stop me from loving you~

Been a while since I listened to this. I remember I used to listen to this about 7 or 8 years ago and for the fact that I'm listening to it again now, it brings back so much memories and its more meaningful. Ah... good old times.


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