Whooooo hooo! its over...for now xD
ADD MATHS! is driving me craazayy! =.= im suppose to feel abit down now but i'm feeling the opposite of down...... UP!!! [=
Anyway,recently,I've been thinking what should I do in the near future,as in what should my ambition be?
People around me keep saying stuff like,'You'll regret not taking biology cause it gives u more choices on what you want to be in life'. I mean,sometimes,i just feel like saying 'don't you think I know that?so what?'.
But,honestly,I don't think so.It does not make much difference anyway whether taking bio or being in the science side or which side is it.
It's the hard work and determination on doing something that counts.
Right now,i'm still not sure exactly what I want to be.I'll let the future decide....
but I know I want to continue playing music.. =D
Can't stand without music even for just a whole day ~
=D peace out~
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